Friday, June 12, 2015

San Diego Wrap Up!

I left SD last week so I could be in Atlanta for my jewelry show at Virginia Highlands Summerfest (which was awesome by the way!)
I picked up my boys at the airport Wednesday morning. SIX days after me!! They took the red-eye flight home from San Diego and arrived at 530 am. I guess that will be our flight from now on with the boys. Ernesto said they slept the whole way. I had fun living the single life, but boy did I miss them!

We have enjoyed being at home sweet home again, but our time in San Diego was pure Summer. Sun and mild temperatures, family and cookouts, beach and bike rides! (welcome back to Atlanta- where it is already in the 90's and you want to stayin the air conditioning!)

I wanted to post another batch of photos from our time there, mainly because I love looking back on our trips and how all the little ones change.

On most Sunday afternoons in San Diego the whole family gathers at Ernesto's padres house for delicious food and fun. One Sunday Erin and I planned a beach outing in Del Mar instead and it was perfect. Everyone had a blast and we were there until 8pm.
We got a family pic, which we haven't captured in a while. (Jerry, why did you leave so early!?)
Let me give you a closer up of the newest Espinoza, little Zack.
He is three months old and a little chunker. Such a happy baby too. Being around him and holding him made me excited for this little baby coming our way! And here is my baby, just as independant as he can be.
He must have scooted down this hill and climbed back up at least 15 times. Im not sure what the facination was, but it kept him busy for a long time.
These four little cousins had a blast on the beach together. They would run into the water, but only get up to their thighs before screaming and running back out. San Diego, your water is just. Too. Cold.

Are these girls crazy adorable or what? Those bikinis!!
At some point the boys and girls split. Girls went to the swings, and all of the boys spent over an hour digging for treasures. They each had a rock in hand and were excited to show eachother what they had found.

Which was? More rocks!! Oh the things that entertain kid s, right? Needless to say they were dirty and tired. It took just 5 minutes in the car for them to fall asleep. (My favorite kind of bedtime!)
Although we only got to the top once on this trip, we did hike Cowles Mountain. Whew! Mateo was not into that day, and Marcelo really tried, but it is a hard hike with lots of loose rocks. Ill just say it was a great workout for Ernesto and I because we mostly looked like this.
Adding 23 pounds (Marcelo) to the 10 pounds I have gained being prego is no joke. .
A workout is our main reason of going to Cowles anyway, so...mission completed. We have seen the view from the top SOOOOOOO many times, but it is still a nice litte [windy] reward.
Tata and Marcelo took a break together.
More sweetness with these little cousins.
Ernesto bought a firepit for his parents while we were out there and we made use of it a few nights.
A whole bag of marshmallows disappeared in less than 15 minutes!
One day I met Erin and Tavo at Birch Aquarium with the kids. (Ernesto was golfing!)
They enjoys seeing all the fish, running with their cousins and the outdoor activity area was a hit too!
As usual the food in San Diego, particularly at mi suegras house, is always to die for. I know I am gaining weight because I am pregnant but I feel like there is some correlation to my belly popping out while we were out there eating delicious food for 3 weeks.
Mi suegra makes THE BEST Menudo. Do you think cows stomach lining is fattening? I have often wondered, but never looked into it. I really don't want to know.
A trip to tia Vero's house would not be the same without a piƱata. It's now becoming a tadition, and these kids love it!
I'm ending with my gorgeous niece Cariza. Her papa owns Lucky Lu's, a delicious upscale chinese restaurant in downtown San Diego. She is a server there and insists that her tips are better when she is all made up. I wanted to do a before and after (this 30-minute process).
Of course she looks great either way. She is also a make-up artist, and has a way of transforming you. Last year while she was visiting us at Christmas time, she did my eyes and gave me eyebrows like hers and I looked like a transvestite. I do not have a picture, and I'm not sure if I would share it online anyway. Ha!
Ok I am done! We are working on the back yard full force over here with a goal of completion for Marcelo's birthday June 28th. My baby is going to be TWO! Check back for updates!

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