Wednesday, May 06, 2015

A Cinco de Mayo Birthday!

We are actually on a flight right now heading to the windy city for a little romantic getaway sin niños!! I have a great couple days in store for him. (and consequently me too) He has never been to Chicago and it has been a loooooong while for me. (high school maybe?) I don't remember anything, so Im really excited.

The idea sparked when I saw there was "an event" going on there the day after Ernesto's birthday. I have a little list of other things to explore while we are Chi-town. I will be sure to tell you all about it and share our photos of what is sure to be a fabulous couple days!

Ernesto's birthday party turned into a kids piñata party last night, but he said it was perfect! It's really all about these guys anyway.

Yes, Marcelo is wearing a mariachi jacket. Found at a thrift store, thank you very much. I made shredded pork tacos and beans for dinner and everybody loved it. (thanks for the recipe Brrrian!)

Mateo was so excited to hit the piñata he could barely stand it. We invited the neighbor kids over and they went to town swinging.

After they got all sugared up, we broke out the cake and ice cream!

Of course, sticking to tradition, I got a pic of all the party goers in a sombrero. (this vintage one scored just a couple weeks ago at a yard sale)

The boys wrapped up some golf balls, a golf shirt and workout clothes for him and then proceeded to UNwrap everything for him.

At the end of the night, I told Ernesto he better get packing for our trip. What? Where?

Of course on the way to the airport this the morning, he did guess where I was taking him, which was pretty impressive. He said is it in the mid-west? I said yes. That was the only hint he needed. We have talked many times about taking a trip to Chicago. We are both pretty excited for a couple days of fun!

Hope you have a great week too!



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