Monday, February 09, 2015

Weekly Wishes #10

It was a GORGEOUS weekend here in Atlanta.  Im talking sunny and in the mid 60's!  Saturday could not have been more perfect.  We ran to Piedmont Park on the Beltline, and the kids got worn out at the playground.  We picked up a Bucky Bucks [coffee] and the kids napped in the stroller while we strolled back to Inman Park having adult conversations.  Such a treat!  They continued napping while we ordered lunch at the Krog Street Market.  (I told you, this is going to be a weekly thing!)

We got home at 3:45p which was just enough time for me to meet a friend at a 4p yoga class.

Two workouts in a day! Unbelievable!  After yoga, our friends Rob & Fenella came over to cookout and talk the night away.  Mateo didn't even get out of bed once!  More adult conversation. 

Pefect day! 

Last year at this time we were in an ice storm that closed down Atlanta!  Later this week, it will be getting into freezing temps, so....Spring in February was fun while it lasted.   Ernesto said last night, let's get out of here of a few days, it's going to be freezing!  Quick beach trip anyone?  ¡Bienvenido a Miami! 

Let's take a look at how I did on last weeks wishes! 

1.  Get compost bin up and running.  FAIL FAIL FAILED!!! My bucket runneth over! The bin needs to be constructed soon.  This is one week of compost folks.  

2.  Share my "new" plan for our downstairs bath.   Done!  What do you guys think of my ideas?

3.  Final touches organizing laundry room.  YES!  Still need a new recycle bin for in there, but it is ready for its reveal. 

4.  Spend some time with my plants!  YES! I replanted and propogated and shared some succulents.  With most of my plants inside for the winter, I was happy to give some away.  I am working on a post about succulents, my favorite plants ever! 

5.  Buy a yoga package and GO this week!  DOUBLE YES!!  I am so happy with Sacred Sweat Yoga  in East Atlanta.  They specialize in HOT yoga and I come out of there drenched and limber!! I have gone 3x so far and already feel the benefits.  The 6am classes on Tues and Thursday have me feeling energetic ALL DAY!  I also ran a few times with Ernesto this week, so mentally I am in good shape. 

6.  Make appointment at the Genius Bar for my computer.  Yes, but I JUST made the appointment.  But hey, that ws the goal right?  I backed up everything and will be going Wednesday to get that laptop whiped clean, new software loaded and back in working order again. 

This Weeks Wishes

1.  Compost Bin  I probably should not even say this again since the temps are going to be close to freezing later this week, but I am going to have to dump that bucket somewhere!  So if the compost bin isn't built, I am going to just have to start a pile.  (Did you read that mi amor? A pile of compost in the yard! Please oh please build it!)

2.  Jewelry Stuff  I need to focus in.  I missed one of my better jewelry shows last year because I sent the application too late. UGH!  There are several that I need to apply to THIS WEEK!  Also, I have some new supplies to get creative with and need to order others.  First show of the year isn't until the end of April, but I would like to space out the work, instead of my usual crunch time.

3.  Plant a Terrarium!   I counted the other day, and I have 10 of these hanging glass terrariums.  TEN!  Well, I kept seeing them at TJMaxx.  One here, one there.  They were only $4-5.  How could I NOT buy it? 

I have all different shapes and sizes.  These are from CB2 and cost $7 (not planted!) I now know how I will hang them, which I will share with you soon, but for this week I want to at least plant ONE. 

4. Do Yoga 3x  I have always loved how I feel after doing yoga, but have never been a regular at a studio. Now that I bought a package, I can keep going and begin to create "my practice."

5.  Plan something special for Valentines Day and bake heart cookies! Last year Ernesto and I had a bake-off for V-day (after the kids went to bed) and it was so much fun!  I think we are going to do it again, so I need to find my special dessert!  Also, I have gingerbread dough in the freezer to thaw and make heart cut outs. 

I think this should do it for the week.  Hope you have a good one and GET SOME SHIT DONE too!!

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