Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly Wishes # 7

Maybe this series should be called "Bi-Weekly Wishes," or "Whenever I Want to Post Wishes."
Nevertheless, here we go!

Before Christmas, my wishes were:

  1. Finish decorating for Christmas 
  2. Bake Christmas cookies 
  3. Publish 3 blog posts 
  4. Drop off rug to cleaners   
  5. Take Mateo for a haircut  
  6. Whip together a little Christmas Soiree  

All happened minus taking the rug to the cleaners and you can see a few pics of each in my iphone picture dump post.  I added separate posts for Marcelo's monthly pic, my Christmas wish list and pictures of Santa too. 

This Weeks Wishes

1.  Drop rug and faux fur bed spread off at cleaners.  Gonna try this one again.  When I bought my living room rug (on craiglist duh!) it had been in a kids room and it was dirty.  $80 isn't cheap for a professional cleaning, but it came back to me looking like new.  Totally worth it.  That was 3 years ago.  Yeah, it's long overdue.  Fur bedspread is white.  I have two kids.  Need i say more?

2.  Put away the multiple baskets of clean folded laundry that is sitting in my room.  Laundry is a never ending hole in our house.  Can anyone else relate?  The washing and folding we can keep up with, it's the putting away part that drags on for days weeks.  

3.  Organize our office/guest room  Guys, I bought this campaign furniture set (a year ago!) which has storage o' plenty.  I now need to put things into place.  Total disarray as depicted in top pic.  This room WILL BE functional and pretty one day!  Not this week, but I am going to put several hours into it and see where we stand. 

4. Paint twin spindle beds.  You haven't even seen these beds yet (unless you follow me on instagram) but a few months ago I scored a matching set of twin spindle beds. (headboards, footboards & rails!) for $150 at a thrift store.  They are the real deal!  Need to switch out Mateo's current bed.  Its a campaigner and although very cool, has sharp edges and harsh [brass] corners.  We have already got one potential forehead scar so this needs to be gone...which leads me to number 5.

5.  List things to sell on Craigslist.  I don't just BUY people!!  Its easy to sell too. Ok so why haven't you listed these things that you have wanted to sell Cindy?  Oh be quiet.  Must sell: Mamaroo baby swing, stove/microwave set, Mateo's bed, Ernesto's metal bed cover for his truck. clearing out for new incoming! more on that later:)

Hope you guys have a great week and GET SOME SHIT DONE!!!!

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