Friday, January 23, 2015

First Photo Dump of the Year

You may have seen a few of these already on my Instagram, but here are some random shots of what has been going on with us so far this year. 

Cold days are for haveing fun in the bathtub!

Gotta wear shades!

Also been painting a lot with watercolors.  I think we have a budding artist on our hands.

Mateo is the sweetest with little babies.  They are about the only thing that keep him still and quiet.  My friend Lucy's little Eloise made an impression on him.  "I want a baby sister!" he proclaimed.  Me too:)

I have been doing some thrifting (shocker!) and scored quite a few things. I found this vintage oil painting for a few bucks at one of my fave thrift stores [by Mateo's pre-school] and I wasn't sure where it was going to go but bought it anyway (story of my life). 

After leaning against a wall in the living room for a few days I realized it would be perfect on my mint walls in the master bath.  (which have nothing on them yet) and I was right.  It's been making me happy.   The frame is just ok, kind of old world-ish,but I just ordered these sea urchins and I think they will compliment the painting.  (since they are more modern)   Once those are up I can finally show pics of the bath. 

This mid century lamp for $5 was a no brainer.  Needs a shade though.  Probably going in boys room. 

This pink leather is beautiful color and in great condition, but really it was the chunky gold hardware that sold me on this Coach bag at the Salvation Army. $20?  How could I not?

I know, I can't be stopped with the brass animals crustaceans either.  I have a problem. 

Zoo Time!  So glad we live walking distance to the zoo.  It's an easy and entertaining afternoon out.

And with a stop at the coffee shop for ice cream these guys are happy!

There are no words for this perfect face.  Or maybe too many words.

One cold day, we headed to Phipps Plaza to check out LegoLand.  

And although he boys had a great time, I would pick one of the indoor playgrounds over this for a morning out.  It was great entertainment, it just didn't wear them out as well.  Still, a good time. 

My parents missed us so much, that a week after Christmas they flew down to our house for a few days.  We had been telling Kyja about Fabric World, so finally she got to experience it.  

She found a lot of fabric for all of the clothing she is going to sew.  I was not as lucky.  I was hunting for velvet for my bed and although I found some nice colors, I need roughly 10 yards and these were less than.  The silvery-gray was my number one choice.  Kicking myself for not buying it anyway...surely I could have used it for something! Pillows! Duh! 

Make this Mediterranean Salad.  Que rico!

I forget what magazine it's from but here it is. Just "Chop and Drop" as Rachel Ray would say.

Speaking of food, our neighbor works for Lagunitas Beer now, but was an executive chef for 10 years.  He invited us to a beer and food tasting where he designed a 7 course menu.   Here he is in action.

Gorgeous scrumptious food. One of my favorites was this Massaman Curry with a potato pancake.


These brussel sprouts did not suck either

Also was a nice date night.  We are trying to squeeze more of these in this year. 

What have you guys been up to? 

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