Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekly Wishes #6

Remember my series Weekly Wishes?  You know where I make goals for the week and hold myself accountable with a follow up post?  I wish that I had time to blog.
Ok. There. Im finished. That is my wish.  Goodbye.

In a strange turn of events, I am actually up past 10pm.  Of course I had to drink a ton of coffee, but my readers must hold me accountable!!

Since we have now finished up with the Christmas lighting, I can actually write a "weekly wishes."  There was no time for any wishes beside "Finish five million lighting estimates and hope the kids watch Curious George Christmas for the 100th time."

Its been so long since my last weekly wishes that I don't think I need to review what I was trying to accomplish back then.  

Moving on!

This Weeks Wishes

  1. Finish Decorating for Christmas  Our tree is up, lights are hung outside, but I need to decorate my mantle, hang the mistletoe and find a way of displaying all of my Indian glass ornments without them  being in kids reach.   
  2. Bake Christmas Cookies  I for sure want to bake gingerbread men and maybe my favorite biscotti.
  3. Publish 3 Blog Posts Guys I have past posts almost ready to go and they just need a few tweaks. 
  4. Drop off rug to cleaners  My rug in the living room is a duhrie flat weave and it has held up wonderfully with kids, but boy does it need a claening.  When I got it 2 years ago [on Craigslist] it was quite dirty and the cleaners made it look brand new.  Hoping that will be the case again. 
  5. Take Mateo for a haircut  I prefer his hair a little longer, but its hanging in his eyes now, so it's time.
  6. Whip together a little Christmas Soiree  Yes, whip one together. It is nothing but an idea at this point, but I must have a little party.  I have the most beautiful collecting of entertaining plates/pedastols/bowls and they are crying to get out of those cabinets.  I hope I can round up some peeps!

We will be driving up to Ohio with an overnight in Asheville (to pick up tio Brrrian) for Christmas. 

What are you guys up to this week before Christmas?  

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