Friday, October 10, 2014

San Diego Part II


This was the kids first time to Sea World and they LOVED it!  They lasted until 430p (with no nap)

More playing in the sand....this time at Pacific Beach

 A little day trip to San Clemente
Eating seafood at Fisherman's [restaurant on the pier]

Primos at play (Mateo shared his favorite garbage truck videos with Julian y Jimena)

At the beach in Del Mar.....
This guy is not afraid of water or sand....covered head to toe.
Tio Tavo has a Go Pro camera and a drone he attaches it to and flies with a remote control.  It's crazy cool.  Needless to say the boys were fascinated with his helicoptero.  Mateo was all up in his business asking questions and wanting to fly it.

Day trip to Julian in the mountains for apples....Carmel and pie! Mmmmmm
It was a great 2.5 weeks spent with family.  We got home last night at midnight, after flying through LA of all places.  Those darn San Diego flights are tough.  The kids got to bed so late and still woke up at 8 am!?  Whaaaa?  So much for the time change.
Ernesto will be starting to install Christmas lights next week already.  It's time to get back to work again! So crazy how fast this year has gone.  We are looking forward to a great season and getting back out to San Diego when we finish up:)

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