Friday, July 18, 2014

Fit Fridays Is Back!!

Those of you who know me, or have been reading Viva Cindy a long time, know that I am a girl who likes to work out. (Years of past posted Fit Fridays Series here)

I started in high school and religiously exercised up until 3 years ago when I had Mateo.  That is over 20 years folks! Wah-waah.

I didn't give up all together mind you, but the only thing I have been religious about is being a mom.
No regrets there, but I have definitely been ready to get it going again.  Im talking -sweating my ass off, breathing hard and tired muscles!  THAT is working out!  The one puzzle piece that has been missing for a while finally fell into place:  My workout partner!

One morning, a couple weeks ago, Ernesto came down for coffee and his head was buzzed! Whaaa?
He had talked about doing it but I was in total shock when I saw him.

Anyhoo.  He said, (paraphrased)  "I feel so light and now and it's time for my body to match."   And just like that we got back in our groove.
We started off running and are now working in Crossfit again.  L-O-V-E Crossfit! Fitty-fit!

I ordered a newer model of my trusted running shoes. The Asics GT2170 are so cushiony and comfy.  They felt like clouds after running in my older pair.   MPG workout wear is awesome and it's half price at TJMaxx.  Of course I pulled out my old ipod shuffle, which is just the perfect size.

It's amazing what some new workout gear can do for motivation.  Also a pushy husband helps. 

The Crossfit we did the other day (above) was a b$%&!
Run 200 meters (with a hill)
25 double-unders jump rope (or 60 singles for me because I can't do the doubles...yet)
10 box jumps
Repeat for 5 rounds (no resting)
That box is 24 inches by the way.  It gets your heart pumping straight away.  Damn good workout! Besides CF and running we finally went to our neighborhood pool with the kids [after 2.5 years of living here]. 
Not sure why we waited so long to go.  It was awesome!  We were able to take turns and swim 500 meters.  One mile.  I know swimming is good workout, so I don't know why I was surprised to be breathing hard after the first lap. We were both sore that night and into the next day.  A winner workout in my book.  The boys had a great time as well, so we are going to hit it twice next week.

Im excited to keep our momentum going.  Also, at the end of this month, we will be seeing my brother Tim (who turned us on to CF) so I know we will bust out some workout with him.

Have you guys been working out much this Summer?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy! I've been wanted to start running and your post really inspired me! Now I know which running shoes I need to get - Asics! xx


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