Friday, April 18, 2014

NYC & DC Trip Details! [Part II]

New York City was Part I of our Spring trip and you can read about it here.  We continued the fun in DC for a few days.  What a beautiful, clean city!  We were just in time for all of the cherry trees to bloom.  In fact, last week started the annual Cherry Blossom Festival which draws a lot of visitors to an already tourist rich city.
When I asked my brother, Brrrian (who has worked in DC as a tour guide) what we should do if we only have a few days he said "Go to the National Mall."  Now I have been in DC a couple of times and they were both just day trips and you need time in this city!  Sooooooo much to see and do.  The National Mall alone would take a week to get through.  Here is a little map.  I thought it would be helpful for those of you whom have not been to DC.  I know when Brrrian said National Mall, this is not what I was thinking. 
There is something for everyone in this huge park flanked by free museums and monuments.

We walked along the long stretch that connects the Capital Building with the Washington Monument.  We have all seen this strip of land in the movies.  The obelisk and long reflection pool in front?
Remember in Forrest Gump? And then Jenny runs out in the water?  Mateo wanted to give that a try.
We stayed in the Capital Skyline hotel.  As you would imagine, we could see the Capitals skyline from our room. 

 It was not much coming from the Westin in NYC, but it was a convenient location for the money.  $109/night was much less expensive than any hotel near the mall.  The walk was short, plus there was a subway close by.

One morning we headed out for coffee at the nearest Bucky-bucks ended up in the most gorgeous garden. It was called Bartholdi Park and it was right outside the Botanical Garden, a beautiful glass building.
There are many gorgeous old buildings in DC;  it was a treat to walk around.  Stone buildings like this always remind me of Paris.

The city is so easy to get around too.  The subway reaches anywhere you want to go, but if we would be sans kids, I would hop on one of the many bikes parked around the city. $10 for 24 hours? Yes!
In the middle [park area] of the National Mall there are several food stands and one carousel, which Mateo had to ride a couple times. 
Between the Washington Monument and Lincoln Monument is the World War II Veterans Cross Memorial. There is a huge round fountain and each state has a wreath.  Represent!
Keep down the tree lined street and you will reach Lincoln Monument. 

Impressive to say the least! It had me at white marble!  You can get an idea of the size of the declaration wall where my son looks like an ant.

No trip to DC is complete without a picture in front of the White House right?

 Si mis hijos, you were here.  I know you won't remember this trip, but look here you are in front of the White House!

I think I would hate hundreds of people hanging out in front of my house taking pictures all day.  THANK GOD Im not famous! ha I guess I never made it there on my other trips because I was surprised to see how small the front yard is.  Maybe its the backyard that I always see on the news?

Overall my little Mexi-cans have proven they can hang pretty well on a fly by the seat of your pants trip in the big city.  Mateo started saying "my home" on day 3, but didn't dwell on it. He thrives on new adventures like his mama!  Although routine is key in everyday life, (yes! we have a routine! maybe not exactly by the clock, but...) It's amazing how flexible little ones are.  As a matter of fact, I can't think of any bad moments now...this is why waiting a few weeks to recap a trip is the best way to go.  Ha!  Ok, wait.  Yes, there were some late nights and early mornings where my patience was tested, but this faded quickly and we are just left with memories of a lifetime.  Viva Travel!
Ps.  I would be remiss if I didn't share my favorite place we ate in DC.  
It is a Mexican restaurant (shocker!) called Oyamel.  Oh.  My.  God.  
[via Oyamel]
Go. Eat the guacamole that is prepared table side.  Try the menudo y ceviche! mmmmmm
Besides the delicious authentic food, the decor was straight out of...well, Mexico.  But modern too?!
Yes that is a ceiling of flowers.  The textiles were colorful and the wallpaper of different sized black writing was clean graphic backdrop.  It got my wheels turning.  I may try a DIY in the boys bathroom.  Yeah, add that project to my list. 

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