Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Mom!!

I interrupt this blogging silence to wish happy birthday very special lady...my mom!
If you are a regular reader here then you already know what an amazing generous mother Elaine Arnold is, but she is so much more to me.  A great friend, a teacher, inspiration [to be a domestic goddess], motivator [of projects], my master gardener, probably the most loyal reader of VivaCindy (although not a frequent commenter) AND the best grandma (or "mom" as Mateo says)!!

Unfortunately we were not able to get to Ohio last weekend to celebrate with everyone, but Mateo practiced singing happy birthday for days and Facetimed "mom" many many times to wish her a happy birthday.

Thanks mom for all you do for me and my family.  There is a day that goes by where I don't feel grateful to have you!  I only hope that I can be half the mother to my kids that you are to yours.  I also hope I can age gracefully and look as beautiful as you when I am your age.  You are doing something right Mom!  Maybe you can share your secret for keeping your energy up and defying your age?!  I know VivaCindy readers would love to know!
I love you!!

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