Friday, June 07, 2013

Baby Names and Waiting Games!

So much to do, so little time to do it.  My list of things to get done "before baby" was so long back in January, and guess what?  It would still be that long....if I had not shortened it.  It's almost quitting time folks. This might make some work harder, but Im not like that.  I won't get overwhelmed/stressed out with things that "must be done."  I just revise the list.  Low expectations = little disappointment. 

The bassinet is set up in our room and I have some little outfits (neutral, of course) from Mateo that can be used in the first days/weeks.  Isn't that enough prep for baby to come home?  I know I am not the typical mother-to-be.  I like the idea of nesting and having everything organized and prepared for baby, but time escapes me.  And in the end everything that needs to be done, will be done.  When I need something, I will get it then.  I have always been reactionary instead of pro-active.  (This would be a great reference post for a future employer, right?)

My [non-overwhelming] Must Do List
  1. Pack hospital bag!
  2. Oh yeah...the car seat.  Note to self: can't walk home from hospital this time.  Ernesto must get infant car seat out of attic. 
  3. Hug, kiss and play with my little mexi-can non-stop, because he has no idea what is about to happen. 
Extras I Would Like to Get Done  (If time permits)
  1. Hang artwork in living room
  2. Finish Mateos one year picture book on Snapfish
  3. Buy/install [tortoise bamboo] blinds in dining room
  4. List/sell a few things on Craigslist

And with just 2 weeks left until my due date (June 23) we are still playing the name game.  If we have a girl, we are all set.  But if it's a boy we may be using a Chinese custom where you wait a week after baby is born to announce the name.  Ha! Ernesto said we aren't going to need a boy's name because he is sure it's a girl.   I have a feeling it will be a boy just because we can't decide on a name!  

Help!  We want another hispanic name, but nothing too common.  It also needs to be pronounced the same in English and Spanish, or at least pretty close. 

When I first met Ernesto he wanted a boy named Francois, but that passed. (oddly enough, I grew to like the name)  Years ago we wanted Bruno and then Brrrian stole that for his dog, so we dropped that one.  I like Romeo and Ignacio ("Iggy")  Ernesto doesn't.  Ernesto likes Tomás.  No, I'm sorry mi amor, not going to happen. 

I have been playing with the baby name wizard the last couple days and it is pretty fun.  Unfortunately, we aren't any closer to a name.  Hopefully we still have some time to mull this over. Such a tough decision

 If you have any unique hispanic boy names, please share with me in the comments!!


  1. We had a similar predicament for both kids of not deciding on a name until after baby was born and paperwork needed to be handed in. Everyone was anxious to learn their names and here we were still undecided.

    We ended up with a Mateo first (also half Mexican ;), and had we had another boy (we ended up with a Lucía), he was going to be either Joaquín or Santiago. I also like Nicolás, but the husband nixed it.

    And I had the same requirements as you: easily pronounced in both languages and not that common, although I've seen quite a spike in Mateos since my son's birth five years ago.

    Hope you find a name you love, and best wishes for these next couple weeks and delivery.

  2. You know I have a soft spot for the name Camilo... his nickname could be Milo! ;)

  3. Congratulations or should I say felicidades. Diego, Cruz, or Santos is pronounced the same in both. Although my favorite is Joaquin. For a girl, you could do, Sofia, Mia, Anabel, Emma, or Zara.


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