Monday, August 06, 2012

San Diego: The First 10 Days

Happy Monday! Did you guys get into anything fun over the weekend?
We were out side for most of ours.  Saturday we climbed Cowles Mountain and in the evening the boys went to a Padres game.  Mateo's first.  His papi said he really liked it.
I decided to stay behind to work on jewelry and get some uninterrupted internet time.  I ended up taking a little siesta under an umbrella on the patio.  Oh, it was wonderful!

Sunday we rode bikes to Coronado (20+ miles from Ernesto's padres house) took a ferry to downtown and rode the trolley home.  I have written about this ride before here and here.  It is always a great time. (and a great workout!)  We were gone four hours, and I don't think Mateo even missed us.  He stayed with his abuelos and primos at the house.

In other news:
I like to think of myself as being up on the latest and greatest, but how am I so late getting on the Instagram bandwagon?  I have to give myself some credit though, I have been using the Hipstamatic app on my iphone for months with great results, but I love the sharing community with Instagram.  Its kind of like pinterest or twitter where you "follow" others.  Sooooo, if you have any interest, and you are on Instagram, you can follow my daily pics by searching @cindyespinoza.  If not, I will post various pictures here on Viva Cindy.

I have pulled together some of my favorites from our time here in San Diego...
{sleeping beauty- look at those lush lashes!}
{Mateo with cousin Alex}
{driving with Tio Jerry}
{the new bear crawl}
{ two gorgeous boys}
{stopping to smell the hibiscus}

{hiking with Papi}
{atop Cowles Mountain}
{dirty feet}
{bath time in the pool}

{abuela's sopa de fideo}
{morning garden tour with tata}
{mission beach}
{boardwalk breastfeeding}
{testing the water on the bayside}
{making some noise}
{making faces}
{succulent love}
{surfers at Crystal Pier}
{playing catch}
{Norfolk Island Pine}

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