Friday, August 17, 2012

Back in Atlanta!

Yep. Home. Sweet. Home.
After three glorious weeks in San Diego, we are back to our  homestead.  The flight home was good.  Mateo fell asleep before we boarded and slept for almost 2 hours.  The next hour and a half was spent wrestling him as he tried to climb everywhere.  No crying, but there were some pretty loud screeches.  Im convinced he'll get the hang of this traveling thing.

It is such a great feeling walking in the door after being gone, wouldn't you agree?  Things look new again.  I have a renewed vigor for my house projects.....but alas, the same budget as when I left.  Sigh.

Walking up to the house and seeing how much my garden has grown in three weeks was a great surprise.  Thankfully it had rained a lot when we were gone.  I was envisioning everything all dried up, but things were blooming and thriving!  Notice my morning glory's that have taken over the railing and mailbox.  LOVE.
 It's all pretty amazing considering where I started back in April.  Remember when I had just planted all the plants I checked on the airplane from Ohio?

The last couple days have been weird, because as you may have heard, I forgot my iphone on the plane.  In the seat back. Ugh! I don't know why Im waiting to just go buy another one, the chances are slim that I will get it back.  I wait and remember times of years past when I always left the house without a cell phone, why is it such a big deal now?

Besides the money I will need to cough up for a new phone, I am upset that the last day of pictures in San Diego were lost (my icloud backup was full). I had great pics of us on the beach in Coronado with mi suegra and a great video of my little mexi-can almost running behind a walker. 

Mateo is going to be 11 months on Monday.  We are in disbelief.  Almost one year has gone by??
Time flies when you are having fun?  No doubt.  I have always been a happy person, but this boy makes me smile all day long.  He is such a fun little guy.  He does make me chase him constantly but, between you and me, what else do I HAVE TO do?

Well, actually, I do have a couple jewelry shows coming up.  The first being one month away.  After selling at the Virginia Highlands Summerfest in June, my inventory was seriously dwindling.  I managed to whip up some earrings while in San Diego.  This is a horrible pic, but hopefully you can see a little beauty in it. 
I have been making my own ear wires and making some shapes 'a la India' too.  I came up with these designs earlier this year and they are a big seller.  I wish I could make them faster, but these require time [and patience].  By years end, I predict I will need a magnifying glass to wrap these tiny gems.

As I sit here writing this,  Ernesto is making us green curry chicken for dinner, my baby is snoozing away and my jewelry stuff is spread on the kitchen table.  A gentle reminder to get to work!  I guess you know what I'll be up to this weekend.  What are your plans?

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