Friday, June 29, 2012

Fit Fridays!

The country is being hit by a summer heat wave.  Atlanta is in the high 90's-low 100's and guess what?  It's not even humid.  It feels like we are in Arizona.

Ernesto and I have been getting out of the house early to get our workouts in before the sun comes over the trees at the Olympic Track, just two block from our house.   Its a perfect place to do Crossfit [on the go] workouts.  We did 5 days last week and are going for 6 this week.

Im having trouble going down the stairs because my legs are sore, but I consider this a good thing.  We have been doing a lot of sprints, lunges/squats and those damn burpees.

For example:
Sprint 100 meters and do 20 air squats.  Repeat 10 times.
10 burpees, 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups.  10 rounds
Run one mile. and stop every minute for 30 walking lunges.
Run one mile for time.
(This week was 8:10 and my goal was 8:00, so I was chided by my "trainer.")

What about you guys?  are you working out in this heat?

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