Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ohio Fun with Friends and Family!

Home. Sweet. Home.  

We just returned from a great trip visiting with family and friends in Ohio.   My best friend from college (my brother's too) was visiting from Germany with his family.  We had a 5 day party.  A bit different from the "old school days."  All of us together with our 5 kids.  Add my sister's family and my parents and it was a crowd!

I don't know a wittier, funnier, more grammatically correct man than Chris Bush.  It had been two years since I saw him last, and it felt like yesterday.  I love friendships like that.
He, Katrin and their two cute little boys  (Lloydy Lloyd, 4 and Glenny Glen 2.5) are in the states for 5 weeks.  Luckily we had 5 days.
We stayed up late every night talking and laughing, it was the best!  Put Chris together with my brother Bill, (the other funniest, wittiest man I know) and your stomach will ache.  Good times.

On Saturday we had a cookout with a couple more college friends and had quite a litter of kids between the 5 of us.
Mateo and his [5 week] younger cousin Lukey-Luke sat side by side for a couple photos.

Although the picture below makes Mateo look a little bigger, they are really about the same size.  Oh the cuteness!
 Mateo and his big cousin Eleanor enjoyed being pulled around the back yard in the wagon.  I can't believe how big he looks sitting there.
Besides socializing all week, we did get to relax on my parents patio too.  From there you have the most beautiful view of my mom's garden.  A true masterpiece. 

And, in case you are wondering, yes, I brought more plants home on the plane.    My garden deserves a whole post.  It's coming along nicely.  Pics coming soon.

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