Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Catching up!

Hi everyone! Sorry I have been absent for a while.  In preparation for the Inman Park Festival this past weekend,  my kitchen table looked like this for 2 weeks.
After a quick inventory check of all my jewelry,  I realized that I had sold a lot of it at my last show in Chastain Park last November and I needed to get creating for what is usually the biggest show of the year for Zafiro.

Trying to make jewelry while watching a 7 month old is no joke. Especially now that he is mobile.

I called my mom one day last week and asked here if she wanted to come hang out with her grandson while I make jewelry.  She and my dad were on a plane 2 days later.  God, I love them!  An extra big thanks to the best parents in the world for always being available to help. 
I managed to get about 20 new pieces made for the show.  Here are a few variations of one of my most popular styles, the bib necklace. 
{pink sapphires on gold}
{London blue topaz with apatite}
{citrine with orange garnet}
My sister flew in from Ohio for a long weekend and helped me work the festival.  Mateo got to spend a couple fun filled days with his papi.  He went swimming, ate fish for the first time, and went grocery shopping.  This is a text I received.
Oh Lord, are we in trouble!?
Later this week I will show you the raised garden beds that Ernesto built in the back yard and how all my "Ohio plants" are doing after the big transplant.

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