Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Mateo!

Querido Mateo,
I can hardly believe you are 6 months old!  Slow down Matiti, you are changing too fast!   You had your 6 month check up today and you weighed 15 pounds and were 25 1/2 inches long.  You also had to get a couple shots but you only cried for a few seconds.  What a tough guy!

Your papi and I have been checking for teeth because you are showing all the signs that they are coming.  You're drooling all over the place and rubbing your gums on Sophie the giraffe, and anything else you get your hands on.  You also have been waking up in the middle of the night these last couple weeks.  You have spoiled us and been such a great sleeper, that we are now scratching our heads.  Do your gums hurt?  Do you want mama to swaddle you?  (you still looooove the swaddle) Are you hungry? I try not to feed you when you wake up because you gave that up a while ago and I don't think either of us need to go back there.  (well, I know I don't) Sometimes though, when I can't console you, I give in to your cries.  You usually fall asleep quickly, which lets me know that you really weren't hungry, you just needed some extra comfort.  I am weak at 3am...and really at any hour.  I hate to hear you cry. 

You have gotten so chunky in the last month.   (As proven in your 6 months photo shoot)  
I can't believe eating just breast milk does this, but what can I say, that's good stuff your mama makes!  Look at those thighs!! Just like mama's...nice n' thick! 
I can't wait to see more rolls in the future.  It's going to happen too, because you ate your first meals today like a pro.  

Although you have been showing interest in the food mama & papi eat for the last month or so, we waited to give you your first "meal."  
{first taste of rice cereal}
{first taste of sweet potatoes}
I took a couple videos for your viewing pleasure.  Yes, you will have your whole life documented.

So yes, that was your first meal!  Now that is not to say that your papi hasn't given you a few tastes here and there.  He likes to slip you things when your mama is not looking.  You have puckered your lips to a lime, rubbed your gums on a orange wedge and most recently, sucked the juice out of a watermelon.  Needless to say the watermelon was your favorite.
Last month we bought you this exersaucer [on craigslist for $40!] and you LOOOOOOVE it! You can play sometimes for 30 minutes. Mama loves it too because I can get things done around the house.  Your papi and I even took you outside while we worked in the yard, you were so happy!  Of course, this is the norm for you.  You always have big smiles for us.  (except when you cry cry cry)
You love tummy time and can occupy yourself on the floor with your toys for a long time.  My little independent papasito.  You also recently started doing "yoga."  You have mastered the cow pose (on hands and knees) and downward dog, as pictured here:
You aren't crawling yet, but we know you will soon.  You did your first scoot on February 17th and now you are cruising at record speed....

Last week you did your first 5k race and you fun watching all the people go by wearing green.  You stayed awake until minutes before crossing the finish line. 
We tried to strap you into your stroller without the car seat, and although you looked as cute as can be, we thought we better wait another month before we run with you in it. Just a little longer buddy!
Same goes for your new highchair.  Another few weeks and you'll fit perfectly.
On a final note my sweet Mateo, you have made your papi and mama so happy (happier)!  We STILL can't believe how cute you are.  You just keep getting better and better.  You have the sweetest smile and your laugh is intoxicating.  I can't get enough.  I'll do anything to make you laugh, your padres can be a little weird you know...but we aren't going to share those details here.  (as if we need to)

te quiero muchisimoooooooo,
tu mama

ps. Your mama is so glad she has this blog to document everything going on, there is no way I could keep all of this straight otherwise.  I bet you are going to love reading this/looking at all the pictures when you are older.

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