Friday, August 19, 2011


Today was the first day of my 8 month pregnancy that I cried tears of sorrow.   A lot of tears.

Ernesto and I made a decision to walk away from our house hour before we were due to sign the papers at the closing.  Yep, case closed!

I haven't written that much about what went during the 5 weeks while we were under contract, probably because I didn't want people to try and talk us out of buying this house.  It was HELL! If you have ever dealt with a bank on a foreclosed property then you feel my pain.  It was so frustrating because they don't have the drive to sell like a owner occupant seller.  The attitude is more "take it or leave it."

One week after we were under contract, the house was broken into a few different times and all of the [nice stainless steel] appliances were stolen, except for the dishwasher which apparently they were not able to disconnect. (idiots!) Negotiating with the bank to recover this was not easy.  Talk about stingy!  They did end up agreeing to pay us $2000 more (not that this would cover all new appliances)  but refused to fix the broken window?!  They just boarded it up instead, which is an open invitation for thieves, which they graciously accepted.

We had serious doubts, but overlooked these feelings because we really just wanted to move in and get settled before baby arrives.  We ignored the long list of cons (only 2 bed, small yard, right behind restaurants/bars, semi-shady street) with this home because of the 2 biggest pros: price, neighborhood and condition of the house:  next to new. (It only needed painting and decorating, which I had fully done in my head over the past month.) 

Always focusing on "the good" is something that Ernesto and I do very very well.   Living your life as a "glass half full" kind of person is so much easier.  Also, not thinking about all the what-ifs really eliminates stress and anxiety.  In this case though, it could've resulted in us and our baby....and that realization hit us just one hour before the closing......

We walked in to check on the house on our way to close and found this: Another break-in!  WTF!!!
They threw a rock through the back door window and climbed through.  (I hope they cut themselves bad!)  Since they weren't able to disconnect the dishwasher, the idiots tore off the powder room sink and it broke on them...ha! They also took a big shit in the master bathroom.  Nice!
We looked at each other and both of us said "We can't do this."  The effers broke in 4 times.  They would not hesitate to brake in once our stuff is there and that is not something we want to worry about.  If there had been neighbors around it would have been a different story.  It is just too easy for them to come in...we knew it.....we had to bail!

When my parents came to Atlanta last week [for the original closing date] with a TRAILER of our stuff from Ohio.  All my baby shower gifts, two vintage chairs that I am having reupholstered, and my Kitchen Aid Mixer [which was a wedding present over 10 years ago] that has never been opened.  I was so ready to start nesting and to become a domestic goddess!   Now all of this stuff is piled up in our apartment and needs to be organized?? into 600 square feet??  Yeah, right!
Needless to say, I am a bit depressed about the whole thing.  Its not so much the apartment...I know that a tiny baby doesn't need much room.  The three of us will be fine.  (Ill probably just get a moses basket instead of a crib.)  The most disappointing part is that I won't have a big enough place for visitors.

I just had this perfect picture in my head.  Coming home with my new baby to my newly decorated house.  My family would be waiting there for us.  UGH! Oh well, it's not going to happen and I have to move on.

We already have a list of houses to look at tomorrow, who knows maybe we will find something.

Anyway, thanks for listening.  I will try not to dwell.  Actually, I won't be upset for too long, because I am not allowed to.  My husband doesn't allow it.

** I would like to dedicated this post to my sister-in-law Barbie just so she knows that yes, bad things happen to me... Im not ALWAYS happy...and I do include them on my blog:)  Love ye Barb!!


  1. Very informative

  2. oh my gosh, that is sad news and so horrible that the house got broke into that many times! But I'm glad you guys were able to realize you wanted to back away from the deal when you did... and not after signing. you definitely should feel safe and not have to worry about your stuff all the time. Guess it just wasn't meant to be right. I think you'll find an even better house, with more checks on your list :) and your baby is going to be so happy no matter what.

  3. shanel..thanks for the encouraging words! I know you are right and i am feeling more positive now. we will find something and baby will be happy regardless.


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