Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3D Ultrasound

Months ago, when I got my first ultrasound, my OB/GYN recommended we go to SEE BABY in Atlanta if we wanted to do a 3D/4D ultrasound.  (This is not usually covered by insurance unless there is a need)  I was surprised when she told me the cost was only $60.  When I had my second ultrasound, the technician recommended I schedule the 3D close to the 30 weeks mark.  She said the baby still has enough room to move around and the chances of the face being smooshed are less.

Well,  I am at week 28!  I called just 2 days ago to schedule our 3D and to my delight, the cost was even lower.  For $50, you get the "Debut Package" which includes 20 pictures sent via email to you.  You can also bring a USB to the appointment and they will save them for you right there.

Unfortunately, the little Mexi-mouth was sleeping the whole time and had an arm right up against the face.  I even got up and started jumping around, we were poking at my belly and nothing!    
(sorry for the crappy phone picture)

Soooo....You kick all day long and won't wake up for a quick photo??

We are going to have some problems if this baby doesn't want to get in front of a camera:) 

The tech emailed me several pictures, but the only one that wasn't totally alien-like** was this one:
A boy?  Ernesto thinks so.  I am undecided.  I can see either.   Ernesto was glad "he" doesn't have a long face.  Haha! I love you mi amor!  There does seem to be some nice lips and a cute button nose, just like mama!  I don't want to toot my own horn...but I was a pretty darn cute baby!

Other stats:
- Our baby now weighs 2 pounds 7 oz.
- Still no negative symptoms/effects of pregnancy.
- I have gained 14 pounds so far...strangely enough, I lost .5 lb from my last visit 3 weeks ago??
- Placenta is attached to back of my uterus, which now stretches 29 centimeters up from pelvic bone
- The baby is in a head down position like this:

**We were offered another appointment for free in a few weeks just because the technician said that she knows she can get much clearer photos and that it's much easier to get these when baby is awake.
What great customer service SEE BABY!  Thank you, yes, we will come back!   I'll be 31 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an awesome picture. Hi to the babyeeee, (boy....or girl....) can't wait to find out!


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