Thursday, May 05, 2011

Feliz Cumple a mi Neto!!!!

Happy Cinco de Mayo amigos!
It's Ernesto's birthday today and I have to admit that I screwed up:(

We went out to dinner the night before to celebrate because we knew he was driving to FL [for our friends' wedding] and would not be around on his actual birthday.  Our friend Kate was in town for a couple nights from Haiti so the three of us ate at Tierra, at nice restaurant which specializes in Central and South American food.

I gave him his presents that night too.  Some golf accessories, lots of [much needed] boxers, and these:
I know he wasn't expecting something like that, but it was so cute.  He said we aren't going to need the girl outfit.  hmmmm.  He liked all his gifts and went to bed a happy man (wink wink)!

Ok, so how did I mess up then, you ask?  Well, the next morning, Cinco de Mayo  (his actual birthday) I had to work at the spa at 630 am.   I rushed out the door and didn't remember it was his birthday. 

I felt so bad driving to work thinking about how when we woke up he said "cof cof" and I said "no, you make the cof cof."  (we do that little back and forth about the coffee every morning)  He even walked me out to the car when I left and I still forgot:(  Bad wife.

Of course by the time I was done working at 10am, he had left on his road trip.  Im sorry mi amor!!  Im hoping he will forgive me after he tastes the special cake I am going to bake for him at his belated birthday cookout next week. 

Anyhoo, while driving to work I thought about some of the things that I love about my husband, the hottest 39 year old that I know! Happy birthday mi amor!!!!
  1. He is reliably in a good mood.  Every. Day.
  2. He is easy going and friendly with everyone he meets. 
  3. He is a wonderful cook and loves to entertain.
  4. He has integrity and works hard [when he is working].
  5. He is sweet and affectionate. 
  6. He cherishes his Mexican roots and wants to pass this on to our kids.  Yay Spanish!
  7. He is silly and makes me laugh everyday.  (Especially if he lip syncs anything)
  8. He loves to travel and shares the same curiosity and respect for different cultures as me.
  9. He doesn't have a prejudice or racist bone in his body.
  10. He is very domestic and does more than his share around the house.
bonus: He loves big butts! 

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