Monday, February 21, 2011

Blogging Your Way e-Course

I am so excited!  I finally signed up for the Blogging your Way e-Course with the talented Leslie from A Creative Mint  and Holly Becker from the awesome design blog Decor8.   I wanted to sign up for the this class the last couple times they offered it but was too slow to commit and the class filled up.  Not this time.

The class is 4 weeks long and include podcasts, webcasts and a ton of learning materials that I will get to keep and review at my leisure.

Just check out some of the topics covered in the class:


* Key things to include on your blog
* Finding your niche & your voice
* Writing from the heart
* Creative post ideas
* Overcoming fear & writer's block
* Sourcing your content
* Photo copyright
* Community building
* Building your readership
* Handling negativity online
* Marketing
* Blog ads
* Social networking
* Tips for taking better blog photos
* Styling photographs (beginners/intermediate)

So Exciting!!!  Ill let you know how it goes.   Better yet, you will get to see the changes in action!

Im so excited to meet all the other bloggers taking the class and can't wait to get started re-vamping Viva Cindy and making it the best it can be. 

I will keep you posted on the class from beginning to end.  Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to sign up for the next class!?

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