Friday, August 20, 2010

Fit Fridays: HOT HOT HOT!

We had been home only one week after our summer trip and had to leave again. I have to say I was not excited about traveling again.  Yes, I said that. But...Ernesto's college friend Roman was getting married on a boat off of Long Island NY, which was very exciting. Plus we made some arrangements to spend time in the city and meet up with my college roommate Michelle. 

I have a lot to tell you about the trip.  We had a great time with my friend, Ernesto took a Man vs. Food challenge, and the wedding was so beautiful and unique.  I will  show and tell you all about it just as soon as I get my camera in the mail.  Yep, I left my evening bag which had my camera and my license and didn't discover it until we were almost to the airport.  UGH!  Luckily for me, I keep a copy of our passports in my suitcase for such screw ups.
Stone Mountain
On to Fit Fridays!
Since we do not belong to a gym, we always work out in our home Crossfit gym in the garage.  I love just walking downstairs to workout.  There is something to be said about convenience, don't you agree?  As you can imagine, the garage has no air conditioning.  I sweat a lot anyway, but in this heat I look like I just took a shower after working out.  Maybe it's because we were in cool San Diego this summer, but I don't mind sweating too much.

Saturday: 30 mile bike ride to [and fro] Stone Mountain and 30 min climb to the top
Sunday: rest
Monday: Crossfit:  50 double under jump ropes and 50 sit ups.  then 40 of each. then 30. then 20 then 10.
Tuesday: Crossfit:  3 rounds of 30 wallballs and 30 squat-snatches (this was so hard!)
Wednesday:  rest  [in NY sore as hell from Tuesday's Crossfit]
Thursday:  rest  [in NY sore as hell again]
Friday: rest  [in NY]

Pictures are from our bike ride to Stone Mountain:

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