Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Recap

No, no, I didn't get a kitty.......yet.   But I can't stop looking online.  There are so many cute kitties out there ready to be adopted.  I think I have to wait until after our San Diego trip.  This tabby kitty in the picture is the kind I am looking for.  Look how fluffy...and his orange nose, white chin....ay my little ti ti! 
How was your weekend?  

This is how mine went: 
1. Watched a little soccer [and got patriotic] Go Mexico and USA! (both teams tied)

2. Treated myself to a much needed manicure/pedicure with Lucy
3.  Pool party at Jason's/cookout at Livini's
4. Ate some of Smita's homemade Indian food
5. Planted 2 more pots with sedum
6. Made Sunday a true day of rest and barely left the house due to the heat
7. Finished painting Neto's shelving project (pics coming)
8. Enjoyed a "low country" breakfast on Lucy & Sean's beautiful garden patio 
(biscuits, sauteed shrimp, baked eggs, Oh my!)

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