Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Visit from an Old Friend

The last time I saw him was two years ago. Way. Too. Long.   
He moved to Germany almost 10 years ago.  Although we skypey skype and email back and forth, I have to say I really miss my friend.  A best friend.  He is a great listener, funny as hell, a good advice giver, non-judger, and I learn much from him every time we talk.  He can even make politics interesting.  I love you Chris!I flew to Ohio last week because Chris and his family are in the US for 2 months visiting family.  They stayed at my brother Bill's house and I stayed next door at my sister Jenny's.  (Yes, they live beside each other.  Its the perfect set up!)   We spent 5 days relaxing, talking,  eating, laughing our a$$es off, reminiscing, drinking tons of coffee [and beer].  Bill and Chris individually are the two funniest guys I know, and when you put them together, my stomach gets a workout from laughing.  Witty. as. hell.  
Watching them both in their roll of "new father"  was inspiring.  The question did come up a few times, "When are you going to have kids Cindy?"  I wish I could answer that.  I will say this, I do admire their families they have started, and I am always excited for a change.  Kids will bring it.  Only time will tell. 
One sunny afternoon (our only outing besides Walmart) we visited the gardens of  OARDC, a division of The Ohio State University which specializes in agriculture research and development.   Ohio is a few weeks behind Atlanta in blooming, so it was great to see the flowering trees all over again. I love this picture because it captures the silliness of Bill.  As Im trying to take a pic of the moms and kids, here comes his big head with that smile.  Love love love my family!

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