Friday, April 09, 2010

Fit Fridays and Half-Marathon Training Schedule

This week has been good in the way of workouts, despite the fact that we have been drinking beer and eating sweets again. 

Sunday - Crossfit WOD: (Workout Of the Day)
For time:
10 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
1 Weighted pull-up
9 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
2 Weighted pull-ups
8 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
3 Weighted pull-ups
etc...down to one clean & jerk and up to 10 pullups

Monday - Hike 12 miles in
Amicalola Falls State Park

Tuesday- Rest

Wednesday - Run 4 miles /walk 1

Thursday -  Crossfit WOD: 5 weighted overhead squats/Repeat 5 times, increasing weight

Friday - Crossfit WOD:
50 dead lifts 
150 double under jump rope (or 300 singles if your like me and can't get the doubles)
50 burpees 

If you'd like to learn more about Crossfit, click here.

I have been searching online for a half-marathon training schedule that fits for me. I have 18 weeks and the following is a 12 week program. I like that because if I am having trouble with upping my milage one week I have some extra time to repeat as necessary.

This is a 'beginners' training schedule. (from About: Running
This is where I should start. I love to run, but it is not easy for me. I am not great at pushing myself to continue when I get tired. I like how the long run adds just one mile per week. I can handle that!

Beginners' Half-Marathon Training Schedule

1Rest2 miRest2.5 miRest3 mi2 mi EZ
2Rest2 milesRest3 miCT or Rest4 mi2.5 mi EZ
3Rest2.5 miCT3 miRest5 mi2 mi EZ
4Rest3 miCT4 miRest6 mi3 mi EZ
5Rest3 miCT3 miRest7 mi3 mi EZ
6Rest4 miCT4 miRest8 mi3 mi EZ
7Rest4 miRest4 miCT9 mi3 mi EZ
8Rest4 miCT3 miRest10 mi3 mi EZ
9Rest5 miCT4 miRest11 miRest
103 mi EZ4 miRest3 miCT12 mi3 mi EZ
11RestCTRest3 miCT5 mi2.5 mi EZ
12Rest2 mi20 minutesRest20 minutesRace Day!Rest Day!

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