Saturday, March 06, 2010

With This Ring......

I swear I didn't do anything to warrant this gift. Lo juro. I was just being normal, friendly Cindy. You know how I am. I have met so many nice people by just starting a simple conversation. Sometimes it starts with eye contact and a smile. This has always been so easy for me.It seems I am rewarded by my friendly behavior all the time. Most of the time it's walking away feeling good after a nice conversation with a stranger. But never, until today, have I walked away with a diamond ring on my finger. That's right my friends. Today I was given an 18k gold diamond anniversary band by a total stranger.
Today E and I went to Horton Plaza downtown and saw Alice in Wonderland. (It was pretty good, by the way. It was my first 3D movie...but this post isn't about a Alice.)

Its about this elegant little ring. We parked right in front of this pawn shop and we were curious to see what they had. Ernesto got bored in 2 seconds while I was looking at all the vintage jewelry. The owner was friendly and asking where Im from... yada yada yada.
When I tried on the ring I liked a second time I said "I really like this, it's elegant."

He said "Good, I would like you to have it."


"Now, I don't want to offend your husband, but I think you are so friendly and beautiful, please take it."

" I can't accept this."

"Yes you can, it makes me feel good to give it to you, please have it."

"OK" (I mean really, how many times would you refuse?)

Thank you, it was nice meeting you. [hand shake] Goodbye!

Are you smiling? I was too, I couldn't believe it! Nice, nice people in this world.
Funny thing, even though I could easily wear this new ring as my wedding band, I happened to find THE RING I would like to buy. (I had been working with someone on a custom ring since last summer, and the process has been dragging on. I don't even want that ring anymore.) I saw it at Gem Faire that is going on this weekend in Del Mar. I wandered though the isles for a few hours and I picked up some beautiful gems for Zafiro and on my way out the door ...I saw it! A 1920's Art Deco platinum wedding ring. More to come on that!

PS. another good thing that happened to me as a result of being friendly is that I was offered a job working at some of these gems shows if and when I want. $100 a day and a DEEP discount on the gems I purchase. Done!

1 comment:

  1. amazing! what a serendipitous life you have, vivacindy! haha miss you!


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