Friday, March 19, 2010

New Series: Get Fit Fridays!

I have been thinking.....I am going to start a workout log. It makes me feel good/motivated to see it on [virtual] paper.

We are signing up to run the America's Finest City 1/2 Marathon this August in San Diego. I have run it twice before, but it has been about 4 years. My running workouts in the last year have been short and sweet, (via Crossfit) so I will need to do some serious training to finish in a decent time. I am not the strongest runner. Yes, I work out regularly, but nothing prepares you for a long run...except running.
I thought it would be fun if we (that is you & me) kept a log of our workouts over the next few months. It isn't necessary that we do the same workouts, or that our frequency is matched, only that you do something and share it.

This is and idea I just had this a.m. so I will add more details/design later. I would like to add some videos of our workouts and a handy calendar feature for both of us. Yes, Im including you...spring is here and you know what that means....

Here is how I worked up a sweat the last 2 weeks:

Last week:
-climbed Cowles Mountain
-7 mile bike ride
-40 mile bike ride
-hike/walk Torry Pines 2.5 hours (plus run big hill)

This week:
-ran (some walking) 6 miles
-ran one mile and did crossfit* (on the beach at Coronado. so nice)
-ran 5k and did crossfit*

Tomorrow we leave for our road trip to Sedona and the Grand Canyon with mis suegras. Ernesto and I are planning to hike at both stops including hiking to the bottom of the canyon and back in one day. 14 miles. Ouch. Crazy? Maybe, but it must be done. That should cover my workouts for the 5 days we will be gone.

* Crossfit workout: sprint 50 yards and do 10 push ups or 10 squats - repeat 10 times.
**Crossfit workout: 10 burpees-10 sit ups, 9 burpees-9 sit ups, 8 burpees-8 sit ups...repeat to 1.

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