Monday, March 01, 2010


Let me start by saying how excited I am to be in this blogging mash-up, the brainchild of Victoria over at sfgirlbybay. Over 300 bloggers signed up to participate. Mashup started Feb 10th and it's been fun seeing all the new [to me] blogs!

A special thanks goes out to Mel from Vintage-Girlfriend for passing the torch to me today!

Next I'd like to introduce myself since many of you are new to my blog. My name is Cindy Espinoza I am a "retired" airline employee. (Ok, being just 36 years old, I do need to find another job at some point, but I am milking the "package deal" I received for as long as possible)

I am a jewelry designer, crafter, vivacindy blogger, Mexican food blogger, wanna be photographer and probably what most of my friends and family think of Cindy is avid traveler.
I have been to almost 40 countries and I know I should just settle down and have kids already, but it has a bit difficult to find the time with free travel and all.
You understand.

This brings me to the first mash-up topic:

What inspires me personally?
(This list could go on and on as I am inspired by anything and everything. I will pick 5.)

1. Travel (Duh!)
Traveling has always sparked inspiration. If I am not on a trip, I am planning a trip. I have the bug. That feeling of being immersed in "something different" is addictive and no matter where I go, I come home inspired by the people I met and the culture I learned about.
{inspired by turquoise waters in St. Marteen}

{volunteering for Habitat for Humanity in Costa Rica}

{eating street food in India}

{inspired to tango in Buenos Aires}
2. Bookstores and Blogs
One of my favorite past times flipping through magazines and books at bookstores. I can spend hours upon hours, and I do. I always come home with inspiration for a new art projects, a jewelry piece or a new recipe. Blogs almost go with out saying! but......that is why we are all here right? I have so many blogs in my reader that it is hard to keep up. I love feeling inspired every morning with my coffee and blogs. In my book it is time well spent.

3. My mom: the queen [and my inspiration] of reuse, repurpose and recycle. Plus she taught me everything I know about gardening. I love you mom!
4. Brrrian's artwork: My brother is crazy creative and lately all his paper cut art is inspiring me.

5. Mexico and Mexican artists Frida Kahlo and Lila Downs
I know I mentioned travel above, but I have had a long love affair with Mexico specifically. Ever since I did a study abroad in college I have been obsessed. I have been to almost 30 cities, and picked up something new every one. The people, food, culture, art, landscape, design and way of life of this diverse country always inspires me. Although Frida Kahlo is no longer alive, both of these women touched me on a recent trip to Mexico. I visited Frida's house outside of Mexico City and saw Lila Downs sing live in Guadalajara. Besides the beautiful painting and music, their colorful, ethnic style inspire me to be bold with color in my jewelry designs and in decorating.
{Lila Downs and Frida Kahlo}
{street in San Miguel de Allende}
{a proud peacock in the Riviera Maya}
{the colorful city of Guanajuato}
{friend Aileen's staircase in Tepotzlan}

Id like to hand off the baton to the next in line for this mashup: Angela Ritchie's Walk Facing Traffic. Of course I hadn't been to Angela's blog before [which is why this mash-up is so cool] and it turns out it is right up my alley. Angela is the creator of Ace Camps.
"Ace Camps are travel and educational adventures." Check it out tomorrow as she will be posting what inspires her most, along with 9 others!

And be sure to check out the other 9 blogs that are posting today along with me:


  1. Such fun colourful places! Guanajuato looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. i love Mexico and Costa Rica too! My family is originally from Honduras, ever been there? anyways thanks for sharing this was a fun post to read.

  3. Arcadia-when I was volunteering for Habitat in Costa Rica, I went to a conference in Honduras. I was able to visit San Pedro Sula, Copan, and Chorti (an indigenous village) I wrote about it on my blog if you are interested...just do a search!

  4. Such amazing colors in all of your pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Girl, I love Mexico as well...I spent several years work n in a import store that sold any and everthing from Mexico. It also made me happy to see the turquoise waters in St. Marteen. Thank You


I enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for stopping by Viva Cindy!