Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday Weekly: Concerts I Have Seen

I ran across this great site called Wordle. It's has program that generates tag clouds with words that you type in. I had a lot of fun with this today. You can pick the colors, font, direction of words. Imagine this printed out and framed! This is art! My wheels are turning. What a great gift for a friend or family member...or hang it in your baby's room (barb!?) or your studio.

I started typing in what I thought were random words, but when I looked closer I saw that these are all things I enjoy in my life.
Then I popped in all of the tags from my posts and came up with this busy cloud.
Anyway, back to the main point of this post. Today is Wednesday and this weeks listy-list is of: Concerts I have Been To (I may have forgotten a few/added one or two since events before this blog can sometimes be fuzzy)
(Lists still posted at Listography but since today I am fascinated with Wordle, I posting in a more decorative way )
What theme will you use? Be careful, this site can easily suck up an hour.


I enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for stopping by Viva Cindy!