Wednesday, October 14, 2009


With a new name, logo and booth design, I was ready for my first show of the year!  My business cards were a joint venture between a graphic designer in San Diego and one in Mexico! (thanks Mario!) I told the designer that I am obsessed with peacocks and turquoise (did you know that?) and he ran with it.  Mario is Ernesto's cousin and he made some adjustments and helped me a lot in general. I can be a bit indecisive! surprise!
Printing was done in Mexico as well. Just in time for the show, I received them [and my little price tags] via FedEx. Whew! They are really cool. They are printed on both sides and have raised lettering. They also are smaller than standard business cards and have rounded corners, all of these details make them unique. I received many compliments.

Here is a look at my booth at the Candler Park Fallfest this past weekend.
I must say, in spite of the weather, it turned out to be a nice show.  I was a bit worried when the first day passed with very few festival goers and ZERO sales. I wasn't upset at all actually, I think its because I was so excited about my booth and after talking with several other artists, it seemed it was slow for everyone.
{new tags on every necklace}
Sunday proved to be much better. It was a beautiful day. There was a huge crowd this time and I managed to make it worth my while! It was no Inman Park Festival, but it was a repeater!
Below is the booth shot that I will be submitting for future shows. You can't have the name visible. I would love to hear any feedback you may have. (especially if you have been a judge before in a juried show)

Kelli, my niece told me about a great DIY website called WIX, You can use it to build your own flash website, it is easy to set up even if your not an expert.  They have designers too if you are not brave enough to try it.  They have 4 different packages for web hosting, one of them with e-commerce. That means having a "shopping cart" on your site and it is only $15/month!  The sites are professional [as you want it to be] and you are able to cut out the WIX ads for only $6/month. It even includes Google Analytics.  Below is the temporary page I set up for Zafiro Jewelry. Since I was having a show, I wanted to give customers a place to contact me. (plus the website is written on my business cards already. ha!) I will be working on it and loading pictures soon.  Trust me, this is not the final look I am going for, but its simple and to the point.  "Contact me here while me site is under construction"
The address is
Here is a screen shot of the page . I would like your preference on this one, or the one below it with the wood texture as the background.  Please please leave your choice in the comments below.  This is only temporary, so not such a big deal, plus I plan to have the "new look" up and running before my next show. 

Now that I am all set up, I am looking for more venues to sell before Christmas. I am too late for many of the holiday shows, so I will have to get creative. You know that is what I like to do anyway!  Stay tuned for jewelry pictures and updates of where I am selling Zafiro!

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