Tuesday, March 03, 2009

March Forth on March 4th!

Several years ago when I worked in marketing for Delta, I used to have a standing meeting with a consulting company called Brighthouse.  I still remember - it was at 9am on Tuesday mornings.  The reason I will always remember them is because they told me that every year on March 4th, they have a March Forth party.  I thought, how cool is that?  
March forth on March 4th? 
"March Forth Day is a day to celebrate yourself–to challenge yourself to push the envelope to newer and better frontiers. By adopting a March Forth mindset throughout the year, the impossible can become possible."    -www.marchforth.info
Today I will march forth with things that I have been wanting to do.  I will make plans, and I will make things happen.  I will march forth.  I won't dwell on the past (I ususally don't anyway), on what I should have done or what I could have done.  No matter what excuse there has been before, I will  March forth today.  What will you do?

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