Friday, February 06, 2009

Dull Days in the Office?

My sister-in-law Barbie wants to know if I am really working down here in Costa Rica. “I only see blog posts about you having fun and going to the beach, I want to see a post about a mundane day in the office." HA!
Well, I wouldn't call it mundane, but here you go. I am currently working on 2 projects for the writer/editor, a job that I am so very jealous of…ahhh to write for a living. (
Im jealous but happy for you Steph) Habitats’ Latin America & Caribbean website lists all of the countries where Habitat works, and unfortunately the information is a bit outdated. You could probably call this boring, mundane work, but I don’t. Yes, I am sitting at a desk most of the day, but I quite enjoy it. (I have always liked working in the office atmosphere, when you work with cool people its never too bad) Not only have I been learning in detail about the housing issues in Latin America, but it has made me an even bigger supporter of Habitat and all they do around the world.
You can go
here to read more and how you can get involved.

The other project I am working on is developing a “Blogging Best Practices Guide”. Yes, this is my assignment, and
Im thoroughly enjoying it. Being a blogger myself, the information that I am compiling is extremely interesting, not to mention inspiring. Social Media is where its at these days. Habitat is on FaceBook, Twitter, and Steph has recently started the Habitat blog called Voces (voices). We want to reach as many people as possible. We want participation and advocacy of Habitat and there is a lot of info out there on how to make your blog a tool that works towards your goal.
I have been lost in a bottomless hole of blog research, some days hours have gone by and I don’t know what happened.
Steph said she feared this might happen and explained that this is why she assigned it to me instead of doing it herself! HA! If you are interested in my guide, just email me.
But all work and no play (during those 8 hours) makes Cindy a dull girl…and you know she cant have that! I try my hardest to get involved in anything fun going on at the office. The other day Marco was filming Diana for an institutional video for Habitat.
I was there as camera “assistant.” Fixing the models hair, helping her with her lines, giving her water and offering moral support to her and the cameraman. I was offering encouraging words which I was told worked helped. She was getting frustrated because we had to do a lot of “takes”. You can tell by her face here But really, Diana is a natural in front of the camera. I was impressed by her ability to memorize so much material. She did a great job, and of course she looks like a star too! So beautiful! I tried to make myself look like a star by standing behind the expensive video equipment...did it work?

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