Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Big Family News!

This post is dedicated to my brother Bill and my awesome sister-in-law Barbie. They had left me 3 skype messages while I was at the beach over the weekend. Bill’s message said “we want to talk to you” of course I called him right away and the three of us sat on video skype chatting. Then, they told me “the news” Barbie is PREGNANT. wow!!!! I cant believe it! I am so happy for them. They told the whole family on Friday at my mom's birhtday dinner, and they took video. I love the delivery. check it out!

Just a little background. They have been together 14 years. On their one year wedding anniversary, they had been together 10 years already! This news not only brings me great joy, it is a slap in the face. Oooh, about 8 years ago mas o menos, Barbie and I made a little pact that when one of us got pregnant, the other would follow. We were really both of the idea that we needed to wait a while, no pressure. Eight years of no pressure. Well WTF Barb? Don’t you think we should’ve discussed this first?? Actually that was what happened in a dream a had a few months ago. She told me she was pregnant and I cried “Barbie!! But…but I m not ready yet” last month I had a related dream where I was the one pregnant and I called her a week before I was due to tell her, she was upset and I was crying that I didn’t tell her before. A coincidence? I think not.

Funny enough, this has really had an effect on my thinking this week. I think, now at age 35 (yikes!) could I mentally prepare myself for motherhood with 9 months of pregnancy?  Oh my gosh, what if I got pregnant? Are we ready?  Well let me answer that for you very quickly with two words.
Job. Insurance. And there you have it folks. Thanks for tuning in. Goodbye.

Ok, just kidding. (about the goodbye) I want to say Congratulations again to
mis hermanos and don’t worry Barbie, I will keep up my end of the deal, but I am obviously going to be a bit behind. A little notice would have been nice. Sneaky kids.

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