Friday, December 05, 2008

Featured Photographer-My friend Andres

Thursday night, my friend (and co-worker) Andres Valenciano invited me to Glazz Sports Bar #1 to see his cousins band Ojo de Buey, (an awesome reagge-ish band that I will definitely be going to see again) but more importantly #2 to see a collection of his pictures that he has taken over the last few months. I totally admire his work, and I will copy him by buying his camera (ok, really it is on my very short xmas list....thanks mi amor) Isn't imitation the most sincere form of flattery?? Andres? Please say yes! Not that I will be able to duplicate the creativity of his pictures, but the quality is so amazing. I wanted to share some of the pics from his debut:

....and one of my personal favorites........from our trip together to Chorti in Honduras!
Thanks for featuring ME in your show! You Rock Andres!!! Wait...was it because of ME or the kids?? Either way, it is a great photo!

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