Friday, July 11, 2008

Lebanese Loungin'

Just the mention of Lebanese food made my mouth water. Thanks for arranging Diana! Lubnan is a really cool restaurant on Paseo Colon en el Centro (the main street downtown) Besides the food being delicious, the atmosphere was cool and the company fun! From left to right: Ricardo, Annie (both volunteers) Samir and Diana (both Ticos) Kate, me and Neto. We had a cool tent in the back by the bar, fully equipt with incense, pillows on the floor and lanterns. I wish I had taken a picture of the bar stools, they were tree trunks with leather animal skins draped over them. Ill file that idea away for when I have a house again.........We ordered a sampler and it was a perfect amount. We actually couldnt even see what we were eating with the ambiant lighting. I took this picture and the flash gave us a peek. mmmmm Definately a REPEATER!!

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