Thursday, April 17, 2008

Buenos Aires

Sad to say, but this could be one of my last trips to BA sola. I had a few days of personal time to burn at work, and I havent been to my favorite city in exactly one year. (We came here with my parents last April) Although Ernesto told me this is where he wants to celebrate his b-day, cinco de mayo weekend, so we are coming back with his parents in 2 weeks. This is a trip where I got good Cindy time...2 days is usually enough time here by myself....I stayed 3....lots to think about:) Especially now with the Delta and Northwest merger...should I stay or should I go now??????The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I did my usual......try to blend in and walk walk walk, with my ipod, and pretend that I live here. I usually get a haircut, but did a massage this time instead. I drank cortados (at 10 different cafes), ate at my favorite steak at my favorite place, El Palacio de la Papa Frita. Then for mini meals stopped at little shops for empanadas, (they are only 2 cents, ok pesos...same thing) I bought my wine. This time instead of the grocery store I bought at El Fenix, although a little more expensive It was really good service and Mario helped me pick out a few new bottles. He also asked me to go out dancing........which I politely declined. I read about Aqua Vita Spa in an article in The New York Times about 3 years ago. It was talking about all the must see places in Buenos Aires and also recommended this spa. For xmas that year, I bought Ernesto a 3 hour spa package that he really enjoyed. When I went for my massage it turned out they needed to reschedule me, but of course they didnt have a number to contact me and let me I made an appointment for the next day. Hmmmm, what to do now? Right next door to the spa is a cafe called Martinez. There are alot of them around the city, but this was the nicest I have seen. Very cozy and little while leather chairs at the cafe table. I had to have my media lunas and cortado, I love how they serve a little glass of sparkling water with it
I brought jewelry this time too... and since the weather was absolutely perfect for sitting outside, I made several pairs of earrings and a necklace. Most importantly on my trips to Buenos Aires, I SPEAK SPANISH! I really like to try and just blend in ....pretend that I live here, who knows? Maybe someday! I got this great pic overlooking the street 9 de Julio...see the the Oblisk in the background?
I just need to figure out a way to make dollars (not pesos) and live here. Dividing everything by 3 is so fun!! Even with the value of the dollar the exchange rate has stayed the same here for the past few years. I will miss this place....Dont cry cry cry for me Argentina............

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