Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!

Great News......Nester said I can keep little mare mare!!! **
The two "rules and regulations" that he gave were: 1. clean her shit immediately and 2. don't nag me, or I will yell at Rare (I dont consider myself a nag, so this shouldn't be a problem:)
**of course if I happen to move out of the country someday, I may have to ask Brrrian & Jen (Rare's godparents) to take care of her

I bought her this little bed and I didnt think she was going to use it. My Color again! I kept forcing her to lay in it and as soon as I wold take my hand off her she would jump out. Well the other day when I came home she was all curled up. She jumps out when we get home for some attention. Last week I walked over to the pet store and bought her a name tag. very simple...it says RARE and my phone number. extree cute. On my walk back I pulled my gloves out and the tag must have fallen out then. I thought for sure someone would have called me...and yesterday he did. I will meet him to get it back. I will feel reassured if Rare ever gets out of the house if my number is on her tag. That is, in fact, what they are for, duh!

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