Monday, July 30, 2007

Flight Simulator

So I finally got to do the flight simulator this Thursday (that I won at the DL party back in May) and I have 3 words to say....


Here is what the sim looks like from the outside It was me and 3 other guys..... and the flight instructor (also a man) I was not the first to fly and when one of the otherguys was coming in for landing and ran off the runway....I screamed. They thought that was pretty funny. The instuctor said, "I have never had anyone scream before when crashing" I find that hard to was pretty darn REAL...I mean it is a no one else ever had a natural reaction?? of course I thought we were going to be thrown around a little when we hit the ground.

And then it was my turn..........

I took off from New York's JFK airport...very smooth.........until it came time to land....lets just say, I may have taken out a few buildings:)
It was very fun!

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