Friday, September 24, 2010

Fit Fridays: Back Breaking!

 Not a great week for workouts, but I must say I was very productive in other areas.  Zafiro Jewelry!
 Since I went to the Mart a couple weeks ago and bought all these beautiful gems, I realized that I also needed some chain.  The Atlanta Arts Festival really cut down on my inventory (not that I'm complaining) I needed to make more necklaces for this weekends' show in Sandy Springs.  So I did. 

Workouts as follows:

Saturday-Monday: rest
Tuesday: walk 3 miles and Crossfit: "Helton" WOD
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Dumbbell squat cleans, 30 reps
30 Burpees

Wednesday: walk 3 miles (this doesn't really count as a workout, just a bonus)
Thursday: rest

Friday:  Crossfit: "The Seven" WOD
Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 Pull-ups

"The Seven" workout is the one that Ernesto did on Wednesday and threw out his back while doing the deadlifts.  Pobrecito.  He is much better now [that he is on drugs] but he was bedridden and in pain for 24 hours.  I was very careful (and even went a little lighter on weight) when I did my dead lifts.

Critaical Mass Bikeride: 10 miles  Our friend Jason told us about Critical Mass.  On the last Friday of every month, hundreds of bikers meet downtown and enjoy stopping traffic on some of Atlanta's busiest streets.  It was a great ride!  We started at Woodruff Park downtown and continued on through west midtown, Georgia Tech campus, Atlantic Station, 17th street bridge, the Prado, the Atlanta botanical gardens,  Virginia Highlands, Inman Park and then ended at our place.  It was such a great tour. Many cities around the country are organizing groups rides like this.  Check your city to see if they do something similar. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Atlanta Arts Festival!

Wow!  What a great weekend! The Atlanta Arts Festival was AMAZING!  Thanks to everyone who came out to Piedmont Park.  Even though it was a bit hot (low 90's) we managed to stay comfortable.  We were so lucky that our tent was directly under a huge tree and  we didn't get any direct sun.  

I love how we set up the booth.  We used both my full size tables with the beautiful fitted slipcovers that my mom sewed for me.  I repeated on old idea and painted a tree branch to sit on the front table and dangle necklaces.  This time instead of silver, I painted it gold, and it was beautiful!  The tree really attracts people to the booth, and it seems like everything kept selling on the branches and and we would have to put  Two coral colored fabric panels hung from the back wall, and two white fabric covered boards leaned against a side wall.  A nice size mirror on an easel sat on the back table flanked by two smaller covered boards.  Since we were showing two collections we needed all the space we could get.     
The show was pretty big.  200 artists looped around the ball fields in the park.  It was exactly what you want as an artist in a show:  steady traffic all day, both days.  We heard wonderful feedback from our customers.   Many people seemed happy as they walked away with their purchase. 
Tref and I participated in the first year of the show 4 years ago.  Since then Zafiro Jewelry was born, but our collections still meld together beautifully!  It was a great show, I would love to do it every year!

Next show on deck for Zafiro Jewelry:

6075 Sandy Springs Circle, Sandy Springs, GA 3032
 September 25 & 26,  2010
Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 11am-5pm

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fit Fridays: Busy Busy

Busy week here in Atlanta!!  Treffry was here from Columbus Ohio and we combined collections of Zafiro Jewelry and Pluma Jewelry for the Atlanta Arts Festival in Piedmont Park.  We had a wonderful weekend hanging out together and it was a record success for both of us!
Treff came in a couple days before the show and we made our way around the city! Thursday we scoured the Howell Mill design area and Friday we checked out a few Buckhead boutiques.  I have some great pictures to share and more details about our awesome weekend coming soon!

But First....

Although this week I was only able to squeeze in two Crossfit workouts, they were doozies. 

Saturday: rest

Sunday: rest

Monday: rest

Tuesday: Crossfit:  3 rounds, 9-6-and 3 reps of: barbell thrusters and pull-ups
Wednesday: Crossfit "Fran" 3 rounds of 21-15-9 -thrusters and pull-ups
Thursday: Run 30 minutes
Friday: rest

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday was a great day!  Two of my former Delta co-workers came by my place for a Mexican  lunch and some Zafiro Jewelry shopping.  It's great to hear feedback from friends and they both found something they wanted to take home!  Thanks chicas!
After my friends left I checked my "to do" list and thought it was a good time to go to the Mart. I made a list of the few things I needed and headed out.  I live less than 2 miles so I walked.  I love walking on a beautiful day, plus the parking is expensive downtown!  (btw: This walk also served as my warm up for a hellish Crossfit WOD)

Fortunately and unfortunately my supplier carries the most beautiful stones.  The variety is vast and ever-changing, something I always appreciate.  I bought a lot of new gems I haven't used before, but still picked up my tried and true favorites!  The only reason I say unfortunately is that I always walk out with WAY more than planned.  Budget?  Speak more of this.  I can't resist, everything is so pretty!  This time I even felt a little guilty as I walked home with hundreds of dollars worth in my bag [hoping not to get mugged]!  OK this is it for shopping until next year! 
First the greens: (from top) Flourite, green amethyst, chrysophrase rondells, chrysophrase briolettes, and last but not least emeralds!  I have bought emeralds before, but these are even more vibrant.  Beau-TI- ful.
And the neutrals: lemon topaz, citrine rondells, and whisky topaz. The whiskey is a new one for me and I love the rich color, I have so many ideas brewing in my head.
 And of course I had to get the Zafiro "classics."  Above:  labradorite.  Below: turquoise
Below is a picture of the items that were on my "list" to buy.  Gold findings. Things that I NEEDED.
I have never been good at "sticking to the plan."  Pretty things happen when you veer off, right?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fit Fridays and Week Update!

What an awesome week I've had!  Kate was in town and although she had to work all week, we had a lot of fun girl time too!  It was great catching up.  Oh and her interview about working/living in Haiti is coming to Viva Cindy soon- I know you will enjoy it!

This girl is a shopper!  Not many people can hang with me, but Kate actually took longer than me.  She had a long list of things she wanted to bring back to Haiti with her, and darn it, I had to accompany her!  Thursday and Friday we hit 2 TJMaxx's and a Marshals, totaling about 8 hours of shopping!  Since I had $$$ burning a hole in my pocket from my show last weekend, I treated myself to a few shirts and a great new pair of jeans.  If you haven't been to these stores lately...GO!  There are such great deals on clearance items right now.  Best buy:  a navy Tahari  trench coat on clearance for $35! The original Tahari tag read: $298! Wow!   I saw so many clothes that I would've have bought if only I had an office job.  Fashion is what I miss most about working.  Oh and the steady paycheck!  Oh well, I will be crazy busy with the Christmas lights soon so maybe next year!

Besides shopping this week we:
- called on businesses for Christmas Lights Pros
 - attended birthday cookout at my friend Lucy's
- Steph stayed over for one night (she was in town from Costa Rica) So great to have the girls together again!
- we restaurant hopped: ate tuna tartar at Serpas followed by arugula procciutto pizza at Fritti
- had dinner at One Midtown Kitchen. (try the lamb carpaccio and smoked trout!)
- homemade Indian dinner with Smita
- enjoyed salmon cakes that Ernesto made- so tasty!

Yes, it does seem that my whole week was about eating, but I did balance it with 4 workouts! Thank you very much!

Fit Fridays and Crossfit !!

Here is what the week entailed:
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest
Monday: Crossfit: thruster-5 reps, hang power cleans -7 reps, sumo deadlifts-10 reps. repeat for 20 min
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: Crossfit:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of these three:  deadlifts, bench press, cleans (I almost cried!)
Thursday: run 5k
Friday: Crossfit: 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, run 5k

Monday, September 06, 2010

Thank You Arts on the Creek!

Thanks to everyone who came out to Arts on the Creek this weekend!  This was the first time Zafiro Jewelry participated in this show and I must say it was a very well organized.   Last year they estimated 10,000 people came through.   It was nothing but blue skies and heat [although low humidity] and I think this drew all of John's Creek out to the festival.

This weekend I tried something a little different in my booth.  Not as much turquoise!  I wanted a brighter color and found a gorgeous coral-salmon color fabric to replace my turquoise panels.  I also purchased a glass case to show off some jewelry in the front.  I liked the new set up because I was "behind the counter" so to speak and was able to work on some necklaces while still being attentive to customers.  I didn't get to take any great pictures of the whole booth, but I will share the new booth pics with you after my next show in a couple weeks.  Here I have some glimpses of the new color:
Unfortunately I don't have pictures of all my pieces either, but here are a few that  sold:
ps.  if you are interested in one of these styles, I may be able to do something similar provided I can find the stones. 


Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day.  I hope you aren't working!  
Yet again, someecards has a few great cards to celebrate the occasion.  I'd like to dedicate this first card to my dear husband. ha!  
Does anyone else get a kick out of these?  I always laugh when I read their cards.  Unfortunately that last one really hits home for me, but I have never been one to dwell on the past.  You have to look to the future, right?  BIG plans this fall guys, big plans!

My friend Kate is in town from Haiti where she lives and works for Habitat for Humanity.  We were roommates in Costa Rica, and became very close.  It has been great catching up!  She is in town for one week working at the HFH headquarters downtown (just one mile from our place)  so she is staying with us.  Shopping is a big priority for her while in the states, and I guess I will have to go too- darn it! 

Also while she is here I plan on interviewing her about the last 8 months she has spent in Haiti working 80-90 hours per week on raising money to recover the small country from the disastrous earthquake that hit January 12 this year.  Her work so interesting and admirable.  Plus she has some very compelling pictures to share with us.  Look for that later this week on VivaCindy!  
Reporting live from Atlanta Georgia, this Cindy Espinoza signing off.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Fit Fridays: That's Right!

What an awesome week to come back to Atlanta. Yes, it is still 90 degrees, but it is not nearly as humid. It's been perfect weather for being outside, especially in the early morning and evening. We got our workouts in before it got too hot out. Pictured here: Today's killer Crossfit workout.  My arms and shoulders are going to be sore tomorrow!

Heres how my other workouts went this week:

Saturday: hike 3 miles at Gorges State Park 
Sunday: rest
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Crossfit: 5 rounds of: 50 18" jumps, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups
Wednesday: Crossfit:   20 seconds of squats, rest 10 seconds. Repeat for 4 minutes.  6 dips- 6 pull-ups.  Repeat for 4 minutes.  Bike 20 miles on the Silver Comet Trail

Thursday: Crossfit:  7 rounds of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 [reps] of 2 exercises: pull-ups and handstand push-ups
Friday: [pictured above] Crossfit: 7 rounds of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 [reps] of 2 exercises: sumo dead lifts and push jerks. I die!

Besides being a great workout week, I have been productive in other areas which always makes me feel good.  Most of my time was spent on preparing for upcoming jewelry shows.  I have 3 this month!  I know, when it rains, it pours!

Other things that went on: 
- I called on potiencial clients (businesses) for the Christmas Light Pros
- Re-designed layout and colors of my booth for the jewelry show this weekend, Arts on the Creek
- tried a new recipebeef & bean chile verde and it was delicious! (you must substitute the jar salsa in the recipe for homemade- try this one from VLC.)
- Baked a lemon pound cake w
ith lemon curd for my friend Lucy's birthday (plus we hung out all day and it was great!)